5 Common Foot Skin Problems


The skin of your feet requires special care – and special attention!

Consider that they are always in contact with surfaces, including the inside of your shoes and floors that may harbor contagious fungi and bacteria. Your feet are often enclosed in a moist, dark environment that fungi just love. They are often pushed into footwear that may not fit properly, resulting in calluses, corns and blisters. And as the parts of your body that are furthest from your heart, circulation may be a problem.

Winter, spring, summer or fall, our feet always have more than their share of skin problems! Here are the 5 most common skin-related foot problems that we see in our office:

  1. Blisters form when the skin is irritated from friction. Cover the blister with a bandage to keep it clean. If it breaks, wash carefully and rebandage but don’t remove the top layer of skin. Reduce your risk of blisters by wearing comfortable shoes with high-quality socks.

  2. Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that loves the moisture in your shoes. The fungus is contagious and easily picked up in public pools, spas and showers. Over-the-counter remedies give temporary relief to itching, redness, dry skin and peeling, so come see us for complete healing. You can prevent fungal infections by wearing only clean and dry socks and shoes.

  3. When bony areas of your toes or feet rub against your footwear or each other, callus or corns can result. Never try to cut these yourself as you may get an infection. We can remove them safely and also prescribe custom-fitted orthotics to ease the pressure points that cause these growths.

  4. Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, are common when the skin becomes too dry. When dead skin builds up on the heels, the skin will crack under pressure from walking. Moisturizing your feet every day and regularly exfoliating the dead skin with a pumice stone can keep heels smooth and supple.

  5. Ulcers are wounds that don’t heal properly. Individuals with diabetes are susceptible to these skin conditions because of poor blood circulation and neuropathy. A small nick, cut or puncture can easily worsen into an ulcer and you may not notice it. Please come see us right away if you have a sore that isn’t healing.

We can help with any skin problem on your feet – just give us a call!

Let Us Know If You Have Any Foot or Ankle Injury

The foot specialists at PodiatryCare, PC and the Heel Pain Center have extensive experience in treating all aspects of foot problems. Our team of doctors which consists of Dr. Robert Marra, Dr. Thomas Johnson, Dr. Kristen Winters, Dr. Laura Vander Poel, and Dr. Matthew Tshudy is dedicated to serving you with all of the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies. Many treatments and surgeries can be handled right in our offices. Please call us at (860) 741-3041 to make an appointment in one of our offices in Hartford County, conveniently located in Enfield and South Windsor, CT.